against degenerative diseases
memory point of the eye at the expense of today, the transmission driven by Alessandro Di Pietro, on RAI 1, containing tips on shopping. Memorable because, in addition to the usual presence of the expert nutritionist Piretta Luca, in today's episode, there was an exceptional presence of dott.Giovanni Scapagnini, a biochemist at the University of Molise, normally present in the TV show "Saturday and Sunday" to illustrate the latest discoveries in the world, in the field of medicina.Ne had already spoken at greater length in another post, and today I have been confirmed by the individual. The curcurina, present in abundance in the curri, certainly prevents disease degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's (in the same category are also part of Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis). In fact, in India, where the incidence of Alzheimer's disease is the tenth of the population than it has in the rest of the world, curri, to add flavor to food is everyday food tradizionale.Altro, which have focused Today in the transmission, was the blue fish, rich in omega 3, which, unlike the large predatory fish, is still immune to the presence of mercury and dioxin in his flesh. But beware: the fish, such as potatoes, fine foods, if fried in oil, which is a good food even though it can become toxic because the high temperatures by changing the molecules olive oil from polyunsaturated to saturated, its power to inhibit scavenger of blood. "