Thursday, October 29, 2009

Testing Resumes With1

People, way above any suspicion

Perhaps it should be published on the website: History. But it's good enough here. Whatever.

Four "bar talk"? So much the c. .. o. .. (shortened word for self-censorship of the surrogate)
Sorry for the vulgarity, but I use it for purposes of "communication". Then

. There are journalists who sit at the bar without knowing who are their guests. I will not conceal that I sometimes chat with strangers. But I do not sit there, much less meet them for 36 volteI details can be found in the link as well as for reasons of fairness, find denial of the individual concerned. The source is
the Archives of the security forces of Prague .
A brief summary: Augias Code (Donat) was contacted and Czechoslovak STB would provide a series of 36 meetings or so, news and a series of sensitive information, two of which had been exploited. From what we read, the wife would have contributed. Il Giornale di Vittorio Felt is a zoom on their spouses' families Augias, whose in-laws were on high officials, one of which is also within NATO, one of which the candidate later in the PCI.
Cossiga its part, has nothing to say, the gesture is indeed logical and logical context. I also understand
Arrival at the logical link, but not to do wrong to others as to my conscience and before that to understand the logic of these mechanisms, we can say clearly that anyone (including Augias, if the facts are confirmed) provides information traditore.Poi the enemy is talking about the political beliefs of the communist USSR vedeveno bla bla bla ... but they are traitors. That is to say, the awareness of certain mechanisms of addiction from the USSR, which passes through a political belief which placed under the same hat all the communists of the world, does not justify the actions that make the traitors in compliance with such mechanisms .
Kim Philby, the assistant director of MI6, was a traitor. It is not necessary that circled around too. If one had asked Philby think he would have explained everything with the words of Cossiga, but so would not be enough to fulfill Philby. But it would be helpful to understand that the Communists would not have had access, for reasons of national security at strategic places, because then they would have trumpeted from the rooftops of the USSR the secrets of their nations.
And come this far, well did the United States to brand with the red C dossiers of possible Communists. That's why the Communists can not be the same as everyone else in the world, why do not observe those rules socially shared love for the homeland and their nation, since, whatever their nation of birth, had a reference point the cradle of world communism, namely the USSR.
you believe in the Mitrokhin dossier? Ego. It is a sin to believe in the Mitrokhin dossier, at most take a "blunder." But I believe and have believed all those who have been preoccupied with "sbianchettare" their names. And all the ciphers of the Interior Ministry discovered DANTE to give the code to the enemy?.
To hear the press, in Italy there would be no need of counter: all good, all the faithful. Cossiga denies that his government has done some light, but then add "unless the things I have been hidden." Which is also equivalent to not say shit because if I do not think someone is a spy that goes by the President to tell, and even if it were, I hope it does not remain safely in place.
I think the history of the Republic and vice versa dotted with KGB spies, spies still enjoy this "advantageous position" and still hold prestigious positions. I should not wonder if in search of lights you should stop right in front of Roman palaces.
I hope that the current government make a clean sweep of people at least "ambiguous" in terms of fidelity to the nation. And I hope that this government, at least this Government, the Intelligence understands that recruiting is done on the basis of "loyalty" and not on anything else. What other things can be learned. But the loyalty or you have it or you do not have. Posted by

Labels: , Donat, intelligence, the Secret Service , STB

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Please Insert Cs3 Master

C ' is that creepy

Russia: in metro 'back next to the name Lenin Stalin
Monday, October 26, 2009

(ANSA ) - MOSCOW, 26 SET - With a blitz night, along with the name of Stalin and 'reappeared even that of Lenin in Moscow metro station Kurskaia. And it 'controversy again by human rights NGOs. C'e'un'iscrizione glorifying Stalin who were also adds two sentences to Lenin.''E 'appeared in the sun of freedom' and the great Lenin lit by a large percorso''seguita''Stalin us educated at the loyalty 'of the people and inspired us to work and heroic deeds.''

Gay Cruising Wilmington, Nc


What Are Sorority Serenades

EDL: London counter-protest October 31st promo

Not everyone can participate in the protest, but you can send this video to your contacts and show people what is happening.

Unity is strength
Divided we fall

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Veginaetching Solution

A hoax educational

's friend Alberto, a solace to me often with his phantasmagorical vignettes, taken somewhere last week I sent them some. Following its approval, the public the text of an imaginative Directive, which will already have domain public ministry responsible for the imaginary enacted, which would contain:
"Guidelines for the new contract for employees of public administration."
Although it would appear printed on the letterhead of the relevant ministry and with photos in front of the minister in charge, by the tone and conclusion can be deduced that it appears to be a hoax.
orders of the circular would be:
1 - Sick days
will no longer accept a doctor's certificate as a reason for disease.
If you can go to the doctor may very well go to the work.
Each employee will receive 104 days per year free. They are called Saturdays and Sundays.
3 - BATH
The new legislation provides for a maximum of 3 minutes for personal needs.
After an alarm, the door will open and will be taking a photo.
After the second delay in the bathroom, the photo will be posted on bulletin board.
4.1 - Employees receive meager 30 minutes, because they need to eat more to gain weight.
4.2 - normal ones will receive 15 minutes to make a balanced meal and stay in shape.
4.3 - overweight will receive five minutes, which is more than enough for a slim fast.
Salary increases are related to clothing of the worker:
5.1 - If you dress with Prada shoes and Gucci bags from € 350.00 to € 600.00, it is assumed that the worker is economically well and therefore does not need a raise.
5.2 - If you dress too poorly, it is assumed that the worker must learn to better manage its finances equindi will not be granted the increase.
5.3 - If you dress normally means that the employee has sufficient earnings and will not be granted the increase.
machines dispensing coffee / tea will be abolished. Workers who
require it, at the beginning of working time will be put on the desk a cup full of coffee / hot tea drink during the break that will sit comfortably in their chairs and stand up without losing time to reach the distributor.
If you want a snack (greedy), please return to step 4.
Overtime will no longer be 'paid ... if you decide to stay in office beyond the working hours means that all you have to do at home then you should just thank us if we had not we get bored out of here.

Thank you for your attention and good work!

PS - To read this e-mail during working hours There will be four minutes of salary withheld. ---

Minister Brunetta has complained in recent days, the re-emergence of absenteeism, increased by 22% in the latter period, after the months immediately following the virtuous Brunetta, during which it had dropped dramatically . That is to say that among the civil servants there is one person in five who, feeling assured by the many expressions of sympathy for them born after the dust of controversy arose in the post-Brunetta (a kind of relief and we guarantee raised loudly by some politicians, some labor leaders, some media and whatever), they, I said, that one out of five must have taken to the course of the first . This is no good, and it seems anachronistic because then those one in five would be the first to complain if inflation were to return to the course of the first , and spending money are not enough anymore. It seems quite clear that pay for the absentee and-nothing-salaried, state somewhere will take the money. We will, of course, by those who produce goods and services, and others who else? And these people, abused and harassed, to live and survive the bad habit of slowly recovering first, that increasing the prices of their products, services and performance. The result will be that the resurgence of inflation creeping; situation, this, that well known to those who lived through the previous decades.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Msds For Dishwash Soap

A Nobel Peace fortunately missed: Gino Strada

The Nobel Peace Prize 2009 was awarded to Barack Obama, a man who so far has done nothing to deserve it, and that indeed is the head of the greatest military power in the world, and is engaged in two wars, Afghanistan and Iraq, and threatens to open a third in Iran.
This award is another example of a nobel bonus of a character whose merits are not effective, but ideological, based on accession to the then current "unique thought" progressive. It would be easy to bring other cases of figures, or are awarded with the Nobel Peace Prize, but this is prefers to recall briefly a subject that has been nominated for this award, despite not having won, and that is Italian: Gino Strada. These

during the years of the protest had been a prominent member of the notorious and violent student movement of the State University of Milan. This was an extreme left, which is self-defined as "Stalinist", to the point of screaming in their events, "Stalin alive, alive Berja, via the GPU, thus giving praise to both the Georgian dictator, is at most known of its heads of secret services. This movement has the most organized and dangerous of all the "service order", actually paramilitary units, in those years, the so-called "Katanga" or "katanghesi.

I "katanghesi" had a personal fitting uniform and carefully prepared by their leaders: the combat helmet, the "candy", or stones in the pockets (with the obligation to carry them with you), and the so-called "pen" , the famous Hazet 36 chrome adjustable wrench almost half a meter long steel that was hidden in pockets or under the Eskimo of loden, typical signs of recognition of the extremely common at the time. These extremists were finally selected after 36 Hazet Having rejected other offense, such as handles with pickaxes, the clubs etc.. because they had experienced directly compared to the wrench that had a lower efficacy. The "pen" also had the additional advantage of facilitating the defense in the event of arrest, because it was groped to justify it as a "working tool".

I "katanghesi" were not only armed, but very well organized and disciplined, with a number of departments supervised by commanders and a very strict internal discipline. Maneuver on the squares and streets in tight formations and order of hundreds and hundreds of men, like all'assetto battle of a Roman cohort. It often happens that the police were not attacking, but rather that were the "Katanga" a charge the police with extreme violence. In addition to the police and the police, the student movement attacked opponents of the right, and considered enemies virtually all other left-wing movements of those years: Workers Vanguard, Lotta Continua Lotta Comunista (which occurred in Milan clash of extraordinary violence ), and others. Even the first group of Communion and Liberation, were peaceful, were victims of violence of the "Student Movement."

Gino Strada was a member of the paramilitary organization Stalinist, and indeed had an important role. The supreme leader of "Katanga" was Luca Cafiero, and under his authority existed various subordinate commanders, each with a department to their orders: they were such as Joe Martucci and his group "Stalin" of Bocconi, Franco Origoni for the team of Architecture, Robert Tuminello leading the group, "Dimitroff" (the Communist maybe burned the Reichstag) and many others. Among those teams that stood out from the name "Lenin", taken from the Faculty of Medicine and Science, and whose guidance was right Gino Strada. The team "Lenin", which had received a name so illustrious in the history of communism, which was judged by Luca Cafiero, the most trusted and aggressive, thus constituting a kind of drive you choose.

This is the past, not at all peaceful, indeed certainly illegal and subversive (some would say criminal) Gino Strada, which now presents itself as a pacifist and a sort of lay missionary. It 'worth noting that Dr. Street has described as "political offenders" his opponents and critics, after becoming manager of a big partnership by considerable turnover as "Emergency" (company-called "no profit", and developed with funding and aid of all kinds).

Blueprints For Kitchen Islands

Human rights and responsibilities of the West The curri

Bush looked to freedom, Obama reaching out to the dictators of

Fiamma Nirenstein October 10, 2009

publish the speech of Flame Nirenstein's speech yesterday at the conference of the Magna Carta Foundation "New Transatlantic Relations, 2009" , in collaboration with the Strategic Forum of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


genuine schizophrenia today characterizes the politics of human rights in the world. This is an extreme sensitivity, refined and detailed to the human rights policy when it comes, first, to certain categories of relationships or to social and political issues related to our society, and on the other hand, a progressive indifference to the same themes when dealing international scenarios. It 's a breakdown experimental, primitive, which is still waiting for a better definition is that I hope the discussion. But surely we can say that in past years, the United States were trying to close the gap in sensitivity to human rights: political doctrines that have guided the foreign policy of which we do not discuss the inevitable problems, departed from 'idea that the oppression of the people was an issue that directly penetrated the domestic politics, however, that every man on earth, as written by Natan Sharansky, want the freedom and right to pursue it.

E 'was a natural expansion of the American way of life, in which the rule of law, the rule of law , should be extended within the confines of historically religious and linguistic negotiations. But Europe has made to the wording of a kind of doctrinal human rights treaty of 170 pages of rules that define oppressive conduct a post-modern "non-discrimination" which actually undermines the local identities emphasizing abstract principles, and its appurtenances established rules of "human rights" for every detail, strict and abstract principles for which they precede the primary rights of the community, and also independent of the actual situation. I will do the examples below. But I think the misjudgments on Italian policy towards immigration, but also the inability, for example, to value the freedom of the Iranian people while it gives the Roma to go to school even if their company absolutely refuses to do so, preferring to use children other purposes. I think the discussion on the burqa and the right of women who want to wear it, completely ignoring the multiple meanings or challenge to an oppressive society of rights, prohibitions on smoking furiously to think, to defend the right of a Swedish newspaper to write that Jews extracting organs from Palestinians who kill deliberately, in some schools to ban the crucifix to hang and do the Christmas tree, the prohibition license to draw a cartoon of Islam laugh, to publicly denounce some other customs such as polygamy ol'escissione. There is so much confusion on human rights in Europe. They are confused with a deep sense of intimidation. It came from the U.S. to Europe is always a sign of clarity, an indication of the historical terms of integration, the link between democracy and Judeo-Christian tradition.

Today gap that existed in the past between us and the U.S. seems to be reduced, specific signals, such as the lack of emphasis on the issue of human rights of Chinese people by the Secretary of State, the absence of democratic criticism autocratic Islamic regimes, termination, right now, disbursement of all federal funds to ' Iran Human Rights Documentation Center , the leading nonprofit organization that documents human rights violations in Iran, as well as the timidity of certain positions relating to Jerusalem (but remember the position taken by Clinton, who distrusted Arafat from proceeding on the ground of denial of origin Hebrew University of Jerusalem) are missing from the U.S. to Europe to greet his constant reminder to the theme of freedom.

some time, however, the human rights policy that the world founded after the war with the United Nations faces a crisis ever seen before. In the Glass Palace has not been even the semblance of a spiritual need for freedom, the aspiration to the abstract realization of democracy and equality. The lack of a quick victory in the war against terrorism, which in fact are configured as a war of civilizations, which were addressed recently by the U.S. and its allies, the difficulties (and do not call them losses) related to the theme of exporting democracy met with an unpredictable, increased hostilities in the so-called developing world, or out of alignment, after the fall of the Soviet Union and the Islamic world, even the traditionally more open to dialogue, has been fascinated ideology of jihadism that promises victory and a way of life and identity victorious after seven hundred years of oppression, against the usual enemy of Western Europe, invaded by migrations of peoples for whom human rights are in their infancy compared to the path by we made in the protection of the weak (women in particular) and legal certainty, scored his wonder and his fear with a condescension spread almost everywhere. It 'obvious that the people, Islam, the tribal cultures that have become a major ideological and dignity never touched in the last century, this has been a political banner that expresses itself firmly on the international stage of public discourse. Meanwhile, it created UN increasingly large in number, the more automatic anti-Western that had the first sign of the USSR, and today the Islam and totalitarianism.

I speak not only of the horror of seeing the UN stands invaded by various Chavez who feel it stinks because the devil has gone beyond the U.S., or Ahmadinejad who preaches the extermination of the Jews and sdottoreggia on justice in the world and is strangling its opposition, or calling on Gaddafi to transfer, and he's right, the United Nations in the southern hemisphere of the planet. What impresses are the hugs of Nicaragua Miguel d'Escoto Brockmann, president of the last General Assembly, Ahmadinejad, after he has just finished to evoke the approaching end of the Zionist regime, or the fact that Sweden, President of the European Union, which remains in the room during the Iranian president's speech because he does not see that, while held on the theme of Jewish conspiracy to dominate the world, has passed no red line fixed by the brilliant minds of the European Union.

I would not look too iconoclastic, but the chairman of the United States, which among other things in recent days has not found the time to receive the Dalai Lama - the first rejection of the White House in 18 years - so is preparing for a important meeting with Hu Jintao later this month, shows a fundamental change in the West for the theme that interests us here, in his strange semigenuflessione the Saudi monarch, and evidently felt in its true policy of the outstretched hand toward civilization entirely devoid of the very concept of democracy, in its intimate, historic, relationship with a religion at this time to attack the West in the world. Shows a propensity for substance (perhaps unconscious) processing of the acquisition of human rights, as we understand them, in a matter of secondary importance.

Bush would never have rejected the request for a meeting with the Dalai Lama on a visit to Washingon. Obama certainly knows that in the light of this episode, is more effect that has met Chavez and various Arab dictators. Indeed, George W. Bush did give the Dalai Lama the Congressional Gold Medal, the highest civilian honor in the United States, calling the Tibetan spiritual leader "universal symbol of peace and tolerance," despite protests from the Chinese authorities.

I personally saw in June 2007, George Bush in Prague to meet a one of the dissidents in countries in all continents where human rights are violated, including Russia, Libya, China, or countries whose strategic importance in international order is beyond doubt. For that administration, however he will judge the work together, respect for other culture has always been about identifying the appearance Viable , viable, where expresses an aspiration to freedom. An interesting way to look for a syncretism, for example, with Islam, or Eastern or African culture. The idea syncretism is itself linked to survival: two cultures come together and mingle to live together, but now the premise of respect for tolerance and coexistence in full decline. For example, the Islamic Courts because they do not respect human rights that we won, do not contain any principles of integration or co-existence, and yet we in Europe have quietly accepted, and we also have absorbed such practices as polygamy, excision, the full veil, or rehabilitated in fact horrors with which our society had done to deal decades ago, such as homicides and suicides (induced) of honor: in short, all the immigration problems that in fact exclude our idea of \u200b\u200bhuman rights.

The issue of human rights, we thought we had solved after the horrors of World War II, but returned to the most current dramatically.

And here a fundamental point: the role far greater in the sentencing to death of human rights has been the misunderstanding of the Palestinian issue with the consequent birth of what I call "Palestine." The conversion to UN eyes in a humanitarian issue is a question born of Arab rejection and fed by special interests first and then by the international jihad, largely bankrolled by Iran, was lethal. The abnormal amount of attention devoted by the UN and the matter relates only to the third worldism typical of the Cold War on the one hand, and the other an invincible historical antipathy toward the State of Israel as a Jewish nation state, has a paradoxical trend, which has hammered to death and the Western mind has destroyed any chance of actually fighting the battle for human rights.

The UN has found the time to devote one third of resolutions of the Security Council to condemn Israel invented the incredible formula Zionism equal Racism, in 1975, just three years after the massacre of the Olympics in Monaco, has managed to transform an international conference against racism, to Durban in 2001 in a racist conference against Jews and Israel, in which Castro, Arafat, Mugabe, but also all international organizations also spoke of new apartheid, citing Israel as exclusively maximum violator of human rights on the globe, has tried to replicate this 'year in Geneva last April, with the "Durban Review Conference", but this time many countries have protested in advance and at Italy's decision to retire was decisive, he has promoted through the Council for Human Rights, the Goldstone Commission of Inquiry on the conflict in Gaza, the conclusions create a dangerous precedent in international institutions do not seem to account: removing Israel's right to defend himself, stating that we must surrender to terrorism that strikes and makes systematic use of civilians as human shields, in essence promoting terrorism around the world.

Just last September 29, the Council for Human Rights, the discussion of the relationship Goldstone has granted emeritus of human rights violators such as Yemen, Venezuela, Libya, Iran, Cuba, Pakistan, Sudan, to speak of "Israeli genocide, crimes against humanity" against the Palestinians.

The constant victimization of the Palestinians, the exclusivity of the Palestinian refugees and their descendants, institutionalized with the creation of UNRWA in 1949, that is the only UN agency that deals with a specific group of refugees, while all others are subject to the UNHCR (UN High Commissioner for Refugees), has helped to foster this concept "sector" of an issue that extends instead to the four corners of the earth.

bodies to defend human rights are driven by people and countries which only the idea of \u200b\u200bhuman rights is horror. Suffice it to say that the preparation of the conference against racism known as "Durban 2" was assigned to countries like Iran, Cuba, Pakistan, serial violators of human rights.

We do not want to imagine the chorus of protest would be relieved if he had dared to propose an Israeli candidate for the presidency of the General Assembly. Yet, no one has raised a doubt as to whether the Libyan presidency Ali Trek, which will lead the 64th Assembly opened on September 23.

was recently prevented a further havoc on international institutions with the non-election of Egyptian Minister of Culture, Farouk Hosni, the direction of the principal world body for the promotion of culture. It would be ridiculous to see the lead by a character that UNESCO has issued more than one occasion anti-Western and anti-Semitic statements and that applies censorship in his country against those who are not in line with the government.

Of only 10 special sessions held so far by the UN General Assembly, 6 were devoted to Middle East issues. The tenth, which was opened 12 years ago at the request of Qatar, has practically become a standing committee on Palestinian rights (it's called: "Illegal Israeli actions in Occupied East Jerusalem and the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory"). The most serious problem that justifies this discussion would be the decade of Israeli construction in the neighborhood of Har Homa in East Jerusalem has not been clearly decided to stop this existential debate or at least it aside to talk about the irregularities of the elections in Iran and the ensuing repression, right to quote one of the topics that most have inflamed public opinion in the world this summer.

In 2008, in the face of the 28 decisions issued by various UN bodies on Israel - of which only six by the Council for Human Rights - Burma, to name just one, were made only four resolutions. In general, in all of 2008, Israel was the main country guilty of human rights violations: 120 acts of various kinds have been dealing with this country, followed with great detachment from Sudan (47 acts), Democratic Republic of Congo (37), Burma (32), and listen, listen! ! United States (27). Not one resolution was adopted on Zimbabwe over the period from March to July 2008 was the center of great controversy because of the disputed presidential election that led to clashes, arrests and a number of victims never found.

The 2009 will not break the tradition now have been issued 96 official documents of various kinds on Israel. Sudan: 46; Burma: 32, Iran 23, of which not even a resolution, despite during riots in June.

In recent years human rights violations around the world were, as always, and exacerbated by the huge growth in religious clashes. The genocide in Darfur perpetrated by the Janjaweed endorsed by the government of Omar Al-Bashir, to stay in Sudan: No UN condemnation has come again to the terrible news of these days, that comes to us in another shameful delay due to shortage of Information on those forgotten areas of the crucifixion of seven Christians by infiltrating the Lord's Resistance Army of Uganda, we have no idea what exactly happened in the Swat Valley in the operations undertaken by the Pakistani government to deal with the advancing Taliban and that caused more than 1 million displaced, the UN has decided not to have to examine the side effects of the war on terrorism in this case, the violent repression of a demonstration by Uighurs in Urumqi, the capital of China Xinjiang, in July, the UN response has been limited to a statement by the High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay, in which he said "alarmed over the high death toll," noting that it is a "Extraordinarily high number of people to be killed and injured in Less Than a day of rioting "and the" Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination "in an annual report stated that "Beijing should provide greater protection to various ethnic groups", the use of deadly tens of thousands of child soldiers, he calculated that 300 thousand fighting in various parts of the world, mostly under the age of fifteen, the persecution of the Iranian regime, tortured, hanged, for political, religious, sexual discrimination, persecution by Hamas of Fatah men, their killing without trial along with those of seven other men contrary to their regime ...

All this has been without response. The idea that "if the Palestinians had a state ..." seemed to fancy international panacea Iranian aggression, Taliban, Islam in general, the palm of peace in exchange for permission to extend.

It 's great in the resolutions of the international tribunal on the fence to defend terrorism was not taken into account, and now the Goldstone Commission did not consider that his response to events is completely unmoored from reality in which human rights are first violated by the aggressive party, Hamas. The Palestinian issue has disrupted Europe in the first place is the foundation of organic mutation of the concept of human rights that I mentioned at the beginning. They, and I also speak for the U.S., are the ontological constraint, the lifeblood on which to build the relationship Interatlântico.

The U.S., despite the Sept. 11, do not know the fear that creeps in European cities, and Europe does not know or recognize, the sense of a war against terrorism that the world returns to the road of civilization. And instead of mutual understanding is essential in this endeavor, we strive even, each, to remove our own anxiety with a selective policy that alienates us from ourselves, from our glorious history of human rights.

Fiamma Nirenstein is Vice Chairman of the Foreign Commission of the Chamber of Deputies and member of the Board of Foreign Policy of the Magna Carta Foundation.