Saturday, December 26, 2009

Washington Sport Club Membership Fee

A duo, almost trio of astute

Last post by Sarcastycon suggests a trio of cunning. A trio who found ways to make money by exploiting the satire so clumsy, and refining the art of "honor", as now seems to have learned to do also the founder of the three. What was the need to bring up an interview in 1991, to write another book about Berlusconi ? Already have one of Baldini Castoldi Dalai, published the year last year, which, after having read a few pages, I threw it somewhere because it seemed to me the usual refrain. For that matter, I know a story of President Berlusconi, referring to the '80s, when the entrepreneur was chock full time and took care of all personal purchases of Euromarket, then part of the Stand: l 'I have already said in another post, and not to the point. However I believe that the three have found a way to make money betting sull'ingenuità popular: a way to make handsome profits with minimum effort, and meanwhile they are fools to listen and take their gags, and their words at face value . I also included the head of the family in what was previously just a duo, because according to Article Antonio Wild, published by Sarcastycon, along with his satirical cartoon, it seems that the father is adapting all'andazzo children. Clearly, however, that the three, I'd be inclined to at least save the child, because he knows to be really hilarious, especially when it takes aim at other public figures, which are not the usual Berlusconi. The gag of his brother there is a certain originality and "decency", while his sister seems to be based only on the "honor", and false popular beliefs (which are no longer those of the majority). In short, there is little in his gag artist, original is better that Rai, Mediaset, or others, are based from now on to other artists (I have a good view, Roman, though no longer young, on RAI 1, on the afternoon of Christmas Eve). As for the 600-page book, written by the father of two, I think it's a brick, like that of the then secretary of the DS, a book that gave me and which I used as door stops, until he threw it through the shredder because too shabby. From the blog of Marshall

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Dragon Ball Z Bed Sheets


They come to us from the English contingent in Afghanistan.
Hugs Amber