Euro currency From this debate to 10 minutes of TV
Switzerland ( )
you can get a recipe to make the Euro so strong and unassailable by the international financial speculation, which inevitably will come back in future.
After what happened in Greece, it seems that the main ingredients are: peace, justice and hard work. The riots took place in Greece, the cutbacks necessarily imposed by the government, should not happen again, otherwise the ouster of the state of the single currency. But to backtrack, to release a state from the single currency seems to be difficult and almost impossible task, so basically you should first switch from the "failure" of the euro, and then reform the United Europe. This suggests clearly that the Euro is a currency born lame. Goats were mixed with cabbage, thrift and pragmatism in Germany with the low capacity to govern the flow of scarce resources by other member states less virtuous (Italy was and would have been, and could be among them). When the greek government has tried to put the poles, we all know what happened. For the sake of the euro, and then the other over 200 million people, would be better to exclude the Euro's were too different mentality and way of governing themselves, compared to the average for European countries (meaning those belonging to the single currency, Euro) .
With the operation of the central banks, the problem was merely shifted burst of three years. Will in the meantime to match the virtuosity of the medium all member states?
With this it is clear that the single currency was born lame. I think there has been little of views and light weight in assessing the entry of new states into the single currency along with the six founding states.