Friday, February 19, 2010

What To Wear To A Banquet

A water mill. Violence and violent

an impossible dream and are no longer feasible

Open the mailbox, you see letters and think, well I have written, is there anyone who remembers me. Deep disappointment, the senders are the suppliers of electricity, water, gas, garbage, driveway, and so forth, you write "Dear customer we send the invoice for consumption for the period from and allegations to the postal order payable to the pre-compiled by ... may also pay by direct debit permanent form by sending the bank .... "I know it's because I ate right to pay electricity, water, gas etc. and, apart from the fact that it is virtually impossible to review the charges, which are calculated on the consumption bands and slots, what has always bothered me. The thin atavistic doubt, all Italian, of being cheated is latent in my brain, but I do not believe to be the only one who thinks so. You can leave this Boolean logic perverse consumption and pay, and reward riconsumi? It can not, without energy our life becomes impossible: no current? Then no lights and how do I read? The ice cream melts in the freezer and if your TV is a still life, the computer is even buried, the mobile phone battery is unusable, no heating or air conditioning work and then mutters as well, I think, but meanwhile is charged, otherwise they are trouble. The "customer friendly" is transformed into a beautiful she is "insolvent" and therefore fails to pay by ... with the surcharge for late payment and costs of service, we are forced to act on legal and blah blah blah.

Yet there must be a way to live without be forced to go under the gauntlet of industrial civilization, but I thought, no solution was feasible, but go under a bridge or in the Sahara desert. One day I was struck, not on the road to Damascus, but more prosaically of room on the couch while watching television: the Barilla spot set in a mill. But what a fool I am! here is the solution! How can we not have thought of! is the egg of Columbus!

A mill is just for my case, the wheel powered by water instead of running the mills, the alternator could be connected to an alternating current, such as that used in the home, and also to a dynamo to generate electricity continues to be stored in the battery as a spare.

lighting, heating and all the free services!

Thirty Years' ago it was difficult to find a disused mill, began research and I found one in Lucca. Everything was to be restored, but what was essential was the water in order to move the wheel and the price was affordable. I did the math is calculated that the power transmitted from the wheel, was more than enough for my needs, I could even produce a surplus of power that they can sell.

How nice! I'd be sending the infamous bills! The revenge of a lifetime. Back satisfied and explain my idea in the house. My mood quickly passes from the triumphal march of Aida at the funeral march of Beethoven's Symphony No. 3. A 'niet', more categories of those who spoke to the Soviet ambassador 'UN, I came by his wife and daughter and, as he looked at me, I suppose even niet of dog that, perhaps, thought of having to abandon comfortable sofa where, usually, it was the nap. It's those moments in life when a preliminary famous phrases, which will remain in history. Okay I said, somewhat irritated, but when I retire I'll buy, who we would come good, otherwise, only I'm better. Well, I'm retired, apart from the fact that this is no longer so easy to find the mills, I miss the excitement and energy to start such a complex work, such as restructuring. Hardly life gives you twice the same, it is necessary to take the first flight.


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