St. Blaise, bishop and martyr, is the protector of the throat and respiratory diseases inerentiall'apparato because, according to legend, while veviva led to the martyrdom was miraculously cured a boy who was choking because of a bone conficcatasi throat.
of this saint, venerated in both East and West, you do not know a lot of news, you know that he was a doctor and was bishop of Sebate in Armenia. His martyrdom took place in 316 AD, then after they cease the persecution of Christians by the Edict of Constantine in 313. Maybe there were still persecuted in Armenia against the local churches because of disagreements between the Western Emperor Constantine and the Bishop of the East Licinio.Il was martyred with combs cadare wool, then his body was picked up by the faithful and stored in Sebate. Then they wanted to carry the remains in Rome, but the ship where they were embarked was wrecked in Maratea and the body was buried in a church (now Basilica) on a mountain called Monte San Biagio, which was in honor of the saint.
In many churches on the feast day of St. Blaise is the traditional blessing of the throat with two crossed candles or anointing with blessed oil.
And Milan is also another special tradition of the cake of San Biagio: once the Christmas cake was not eaten anything but he kept a few slices to eat on the day of St. Blaise, or you bought the oanettoni advanced very affordable price.
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